Furthermore, the cle~ r theoretical stand of Williams enabled him jump out of the old aesthetical theory frame, and explore the MC-the new cultural phenomenon& on a new theoretical basis. 威廉斯明确的理论立场使他跳出了那种纯审美的理论框架,在新的理论基础上探讨大众文化这一新的文化现象。
At the same time, Williams points out that culture is a complex, dynamic process of formation, and reveals the power behind the choice of cultural complexity, which haves a great importance on the cultural studies and the cultural phenomenon. 同时,威廉斯深刻地指出文化是一个复杂的、动态的形成过程,揭示了文化背后权力选择的复杂性,这对以后文化研究重视分析文化现象的权力关系不无深刻的影响。